Hesperian Health Guides
Chapter 18: Violence Against Women

How to use this chapter:
This chapter is about violence directed at women and girls because of their gender. This information can help you understand why this violence happens, what you can do about it, and how to work to change the conditions that allow violence in your community. Also see Chapter 19: Rape and Sexual Violence.
This issue affects anyone who identifies as a woman or a girl. In this chapter we describe specific examples of violence against women and girls and share stories of women who have experienced this violence. You may find these descriptions upsetting or difficult to read. Please read with care and refer to the resources for more information and support.
No person should be beaten or abused in any way for any reason.
Every day, women are slapped, kicked, humiliated, threatened, sexually abused, denied resources, and even murdered because they are women. We often do not hear about this gender-based violence (see box below) because these women may feel ashamed and afraid to speak out. Many people, including health workers, do not recognize this violence as the serious health problem it is.
Violence against women happens most often at home and most often by a woman’s partner. But gender-based violence can happen in any close relationship, including between parents and their children or between partners of the same gender. It can also happen between people who do not know each other