Hesperian Health Guides
Chapter 19: Rape and Sexual Violence

Sexual violence is never the fault of the person who is attacked
As with other kinds of violence, a rapistâs goal is to gain power and control over their victims. For more information, see How gender inequality supports violence.
This chapter is about rape and other sexual violence. You may find some of the descriptions and stories upsetting or difficult to read. Please read with care and see the Resources section for more information and support. Also see Chapter 18, âViolence Against Womenâ for more about violence.
This chapter uses the word âvictimâ for someone who experienced sexual violence recently, and âsurvivorâ for someone who has gone through some kind of recovery process after sexual violence. Ask anyone you are trying to help what words they use to describe what they experienced. When you use words that person prefers, it will help them be more comfortable speaking with you about what happened.
Sexual violence is when someone forces another person into any sexual activity. This force can be physical force, threats, or giving someone drugs or alcohol. There are many forms of sexual violence, including rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, and stalking. Sexual violence can happen to anyone, but happens most often to women and girls.
Rape is when someone puts a body part or object inside another personâs vagina, anus, or mouth without their consent. Consent means that people having any kind of sexual activity are doing so without being forced. A child or a teenager, someone under the effects of alcohol or drugs, or a sleeping or unconscious person cannot give their consent.
Rape and sexual violence are never the fault of the person who is attacked, even if that person does not fight back against their attacker. No matter what she decides to do, if it was not her choice, it was rape, and it is never her fault.
People who commit sexual violence often attack those with less power. The lower status of women and girls means they usually have less protection in the community and from authorities. Other marginalized groupsâpeople with disabilities, refugees and migrants, ethnic minorities, gay, lesbian, and transgender people, and and people without homesâalso face more sexual violence. Young people, who have fewer rights and are smaller and weaker than adults, are also at higher risk.