Hesperian Health Guides
Changes that Can Lead to a Better Life
HealthWiki > Where Women Have No Doctor > Chapter 5: Health Concerns of Girls > Changes that Can Lead to a Better Life
The way a woman sees herself forms as she grows. If a girl learns to feel good about herself when she is young, she can develop confidence in her abilities to make her community better. All children are more likely to learn this when their families and community show them that they are valued.
When a community recognizes the value of each person, no matter their gender, girls in that community can grow up feeling they can use all their capabilities and make better lives for themselves and for their families and neighbors.

More Information
low status of womenThe way a community treats girls and women affects how families treat their girl children. For example, if a community believes that girls should learn skills, a family that lives there is more likely to want their daughter to go to school for as long as she can. But in a community where women are allowed to do only âwomenâs workâ and are not allowed to become tradespeople or professionals, or even to participate in public meetings, families are much less likely to believe that their daughters need education.
There are many ways to help girls feel better about themselves and to help their families and communities decide to make life different and better for all their children. On the next few pages are some ideas.
Ways a girl can take responsibility for her life

Find someone who you think will listen and understandâa friend, a sister, or another person in your community. Talk about your fears, problems, goals, and dreams for the future. Think of women who you respect and talk about why you admire them. Are there ways you can be like them?
Help your community. Making your community better can help you find your own strengths. When you and your friends agree there is a problem in your community, work together on a solution. You will all feel more confidence when you see the difference you made.
Decisions for a better future
You can work with your family and friends to make important decisions about your life.
Education and training. Education brings more opportunities, a better income, a sense of pride, and a happier and healthier life. There are ways you can learn to read, write and develop other skills even if you cannot go to school.

Marriage. Wait to get married until you feel ready. Try to finish school, find work, and be able to support yourself before getting married. Talk with your family or people you trust about how they can help you make this happen. This can give you the time and experience to learn more about yourself and what you want. It will also help you find a partner who feels the same way about life as you do.

Pregnancy and children. Your family will be happier and healthier if you wait to have children until you and your partner feel ready to care for them. If you are thinking about having a baby, consider: How will you and your partner fulfill a childâs physical needsâfood, clothes, shelter, schooling, and health care, as well as needs for attention, guidance, and emotional support? Will you be able to continue your education or work? Is your partner committed to raising a child with you? Do you have a support system that will help you?