Hesperian Health Guides


In this chapter:

We acknowledge and thank the following for:

Lefa’s story, adapted from 28 Stories of AIDS in Africa, Stephanie Nolen, Walker & Company (2008); children’s rights material, adapted from Building Resiliency Among Children Affected by HIV/AIDS, Silke Mallmann, Maskew Miller Longman and Catholic AIDS Action (2002-2003), and the poster there from South African History Archive; memory box, adapted from Jonathan Morgan’s work and REPSSI (Regional Psychosocial Support Initiative), see Memory Work Manual from REPSSI, available here: Box Manual.pdf; Dante’s story, adapted from Hospice Care for Children, 3rd ed., Ann Armstrong-Dailey and Sarah Zarbock, eds., Oxford University Press (2008); the ART tracking chart, adapted from My Living Positively Handbook, Children’s Rights Centre, see: My living positively handbook; spoken text, adapted from A nurse’s story - Sr Mbatha, in ARVs in Our Lives, from TAC (Treatment Action Campaign)

For permission to reprint illustrations we thank:

Clive Evian, for the series in Understanding HIV, from Primary HIV/AIDS Care, A practical guide for primary health care personnel in a clinical and supportive setting, Jacana Media (2006); WHO and UNICEF, for the girl playing in "Young children need help to grow and develop", from Care for Child Development (2012); HOSPAZ (Hospice and Palliative Care Assoc. of Zimbabwe), for the picture of the grieving mother, and the picture in "Medicines for pain"; and TAC (Treatment Action Campaign), for the nurse and couple in "The HIV testing process" and the helper and new mother in "Breast is best".

This page was updated:27 Nov 2019