Hesperian Health Guides

Choosing the Best Method

In this chapter:

The best family planning method is the one you are most comfortable using. To choose the best method for you, it can be helpful to think about your day-to-day life, your relationships, concerns, needs, and desires. Whichever method you choose, it is important to understand and follow the instructions for how to use it effectively. Here are some ways to think about different methods based on your personal needs.

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I want to keep having normal menstrual periods.
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I do not want to have to do something every day.
You might PREFER: Barrier methods, behavioral methods, copper IUD You might PREFER: Implants, injections, IUDs, patch, vaginal ring
You might AVOID: Hormonal methods You might AVOID: Behavioral methods, pills
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My partner does not want me to use family planning.
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I do not want to put things in my vagina or my womb.
You might PREFER: Injections, implants, IUDs You might PREFER: Barrier methods, behavioral methods, patch, pills, vaginal ring
You might AVOID: Behavioral methods, external (male) condom, patch, pills You might AVOID: Internal (female) condom, IUDs, vaginal ring
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I want to be able to have sex without stopping to do something
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I do not want any more children
You might PREFER: IUD, hormonal methods You might PREFER: Implants, injections, IUDs, permanent methods
You might AVOID: Barrier methods, behavioral methods You might AVOID: Barrier methods, behavioral methods, patch, pills, vaginal ring
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I want to be pregnant within a year after I stop using a method.
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I think my partner has sex with others and may infect me with an STI.
You might PREFER: Barrier methods, behavioral methods, hormonal methods (except injections), IUDs You might PREFER: External (male) or internal (female) condom
You might AVOID: Injections, permanent methods You might AVOID: Behavioral methods, hormonal methods, IUDs, permanent methods
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I am breastfeeding my 1-monthold baby.
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My husband does not want to be involved in using a family planning method.
You might PREFER: Breastfeeding (LAM), external (male) or internal (female) condom, implants, progestin only injections, IUDs, minipills, withdrawal You might PREFER: Female condom, diaphragm, any hormonal method,IUD
You might AVOID: Combined pills, diaphragm, fertility awareness methods, patch, vaginal ring. You might AVOID: Male condom, natural family planning
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I want an effective method, and I don’t like how hormones make my body feel.
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As a transgender man I would like to stop having periods, and also want to prevent pregnancy.
You might PREFER: Copper IUD You might PREFER: Hormonal IUD, implants, injections, minipills
You might AVOID: Barrier methods, behavioral methods, hormonal IUD, hormonal methods You might AVOID: Barrier methods, behavioral methods, combined pills, copper IUD, patch, vaginal ring
This page was updated:22 Jan 2024