Hesperian Health Guides
Basic Needs

During their journey and after they arrive at a new settlement, refugees and displaced people may struggle to get enough nutritious food. This is especially dangerous for women and girls, since many may not have had enough food before fleeing.
To improve your community’s nutrition:
- Get involved in food distribution and preparation.
- Give women the same amount of food as men, and girls the same amount as boys.
- Give the food directly to women. They are more aware of the family’s needs and less likely to trade food for weapons or alcohol.
Many refugees and displaced people live with hunger and malnutrition. Women and girls are especially at risk because they are often denied education and work training and often lack any money of their own.
- Make sure people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, malnourished, or sick are the first to get food and give them extra food if possible.
- Make sure people have cooking pots and utensils.
- Share cooking tasks among families in the community. Even if food is prepared in a central place, the community can stay involved and have some control over their diet.
For more ways to improve your nutrition, see Chapter 11, “Eating for Good Health.”
Emergency Food Distribution
Even in emergency situations, food distribution should involve women. This honors the important role women have had in food management. In Kenya, for example, Oxfam has tried to strengthen traditional social roles by distributing food directly to women. Food is distributed in an open place, overseen by an elected committee of elders. Women are encouraged to give their opinions about what is being done. This kind of food distribution will continue until the local food supply improves.Water and fuel
Refugee and displaced people often have limited access to cooking fuel and water that is safe to drink. Sometimes travel to the areas where they can find water and fuel is dangerous. Because women are often responsible for collecting water and fuel, washing and cooking, and caring for the sick, these problems make women’s lives more difficult.

These things can help:
- Learn how to purify your water.
- Ask aid organizations for lightweight containers to carry water.
- Arrange for the places where water and fuel are collected to be patrolled and safe for everyone. Do not go for water or fuel by yourself
Protection from sexual violence
Sexual violence is a violation of human rights
More Information
violence against womenRape and sexual violence are common when people are forced to leave their homes. This is because:
- People in positions of power, like guards, government authorities, and aid workers, may demand sexual favors for food, protection, legal papers, and other help. Victims may not report this abuse out of fear for their safety. If victims do report abuse, the system often ignores them or blames them, letting the abuse continue.
- Living conditions with many households and individuals crowded together make privacy difficult and sexual harassment and assault more likely.
- Men may become frustrated when they cannot find work. This can be made worse when they see women take on more responsibilities.
- People escaping conflict often move through areas controlled by armed groups who commit abuses, especially against women and girls. Rarely are these abuses punished.
- Long-term residents may use sexual violence to force refugees to settle elsewhere.

You may face danger if you have to go a long distance for food, water, fuel, or to use sanitation facilities
To prevent sexual violence:
- Create spaces apart from men where women and children can safely gather, learn, and simply relax.
- Educate all men and boys in the community— including guards, staff, and health workers—about violence against women and their part in preventing it.
- Put women in charge of distributing basic resources, like food, water, and fuel, so they do not have to negotiate for their basic needs.
- Arrange the camp so facilities for basic needs like latrines and bathing areas are close by and well lit. Provide more security at night, including women guards.
- With supportive community leaders, organize community meetings to discuss sexual violence and how to prevent it. Raise awareness that victims of sexual violence are never at fault.
- Ask for education about alcohol and drug misuse and how it relates to sexual violence.
If you are attacked:
- Get a physical exam right away from a woman health worker. Ask for medicines to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV. If you could be pregnant, your health worker should discuss all of your options—abortion, adoption, or keeping the baby.
- If you think it is safe to do so, report the attack. Officials may be required to investigate, but you do not have to answer any questions you do not want to, especially about your past sexual history.
- Get support by talking about what happened with other survivors of sexual violence and mental health workers, if available. This can help you begin to heal from your experience. Also, see Chapter 19, “Rape and Sexual Violence” and Chapter 27, “Mental Health.”
- In some cultures, rape is seen as the victim’s fault. If your family is angry at you or ashamed that this happened, they may also need counseling.
- If you can, move to a safer place, away from your attacker. If it would help, ask family members or friends to move with you.