Hesperian Health Guides
Evaluation of a Child Whose Development Is Delayed
HealthWiki > Disabled Village Children > Chapter 4: Examining and Evaluating Children with Disabilities > Evaluation of a Child Whose Development Is Delayed
For the child who cannot do as much as other children do at the same age, a developmental evaluation may be helpful. Information about the mother's illnesses, contact with toxic chemicals (including medicines) during pregnancy, or difficulties during or after birth may contribute to understanding the child's condition. Measurement of the distance around the head may show possible causes of delays or other important factors. Repeated head-size measurements (once a month at first) may tell us even more.

For example, a child whose mother had Zika when she was pregnant, or who had meningitis (brain infection) at age 1, and whose head is small or takes longer to grow, will probably remain cognitively delayed. However, if the child’s head continues to grow at a typical rate, the child may have better possibilities for learning and doing more (although we cannot be sure).

A child who is born with a “sack on the back” (spina bifida) may have a head that is bigger than average. If the head continues to grow rapidly, this is a danger sign. Unless the child has surgery, she may experience cognitive delay or die. If, however, the monthly measurements show that the head has stopped growing too fast, the problem may have corrected itself. She may not need surgery.
RECORD SHEET 4, covers additional questions relating to child development, and includes a chart for recording and evaluating head size.
To help the child who is developmentally delayed, you will first want to evaluate her level of physical and mental development. Chapter 34 explains ways to do this.
You can use the Child Development Chart to find a child’s developmental level, to plan her step-by-step activities, and to evaluate and record her progress. We have marked this 2-page chart, RECORD SHEET 6.