Hesperian Health Guides
Every staff member, intern, and volunteer here at Hesperian Health Guides helped bring this book into the world, including those who raise funds, manage finances, publicize our books, and pack and ship them around the world. Outside our office, dozens of reviewers helped decide what this book should cover and how to do it. Groups of midwives and midwifery students in 10 countries critiqued early versions to make it as useful, appropriate, and accurate as possible. Midwives, doctors, and other health workers, trainers, and specialists volunteered their time to ensure the accuracy and clarity of the material here.
Along with our tireless medical editors, we called on a few reviewers over and over again, and they deserve special mention here. Thank you Deborah Billings, Lisa de Avila, Ruth Kennedy, and Karen Strange.
The following organizations contributed time, resources, and critical thinking: Averting Maternal Death and Disability (AMDD) in the US; ASECSA in Guatemala; The Bangladesh Women’s Health Coalition; The Berkeley Midwives Study Group in the US; El Centro Para los Adolescente de San Miguel de Allende (CASA) in Mexico; Centre For Rural Studies and Development in India; El Centro de Atención Integral de la Pareja in Mexico; The International Confederation of Midwives; The Integrated Midwives Association of the Philippines; Inuulitsivak Maternity Center in Canada; Ipas in the US, Ghana, and Kenya; Ixmucane and Midwives for Midwives in Guatamala; Jamkhed Comprehensive Rural Health Program in India; Kampot Hospital Maternity Center in Cambodia; the Maryknoll Sisters and the VEMA training center of Tanzania; Pathfinder in Peru; and the Reproductive Health Research Unit at the University of the Witwatersrand, Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital in South Africa.
Thanks to the following publishers who gave us permission to use drawings: Family Care International, from Healthy Women, Healthy Mothers; Freedom From Hunger; and Pesticide Action Network Asia and the Pacific, from Breaking the Silence! Plantations and Pesticides.
Our deep gratitude goes to everyone who gave their time, thoughts, and knowledge so generously, both to the original edition of A Book for Midwives and to this revision. Your commitment to health for all is what brought this book into the world. Thank you:
Hilary Abell |
Alice de la Gente |
Peter Ivey |
Mary Ann Reiger |

Additionally, the incredible patience and support of our families and friends during the long process of producing this book allowed us to see the project through.
Finally, thank you so much to the individuals and foundations who financially supported this project: Allan S. Gordon Foundation; Anna Lalor Burdick Program of the Lalor Foundation, Inc.; Averting Maternal Death and Disability Program, Heilbrunn Center, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University; Compton Foundation, Inc.; Conservation, Food and Health Foundation, Inc.; David and Lucile Packard Foundation; Dorothy and Jonathan Rintels Charitable Foundation; Erik E. and Edith H. Bergstrom Foundation; Ford Foundation; International Confederation of Midwives; Jadetree Foundation; Jeanne Kemp; Salt-Bush Fund of the Tides Foundation; Ruth Sherer; and the United Nations Population Fund.