Hesperian Health Guides
Copyright Information
A Book for Midwives
Care for pregnancy, birth,
and women's health
Authors: Susan Klein, Suellen Miller, and Fiona Thomson
Oakland, California, USA
Hesperian Health Guides and the contributors to A Book for Midwives do not assume liability for the use of information contained in this book.
All health workers have a responsibility to be honest with themselves and the people they care for about the limits of their skills. This means: only perform the procedures you are trained to. Find help from other, more experienced health workers when a woman needs a kind of care that you are not experienced with. Seek the advice of local health workers and medical authorities about the safest ways to practice in your area. This manual can help you learn new skills, but no book can take the place of hands-on training with a skilled and experienced teacher. Keep watching, reading, listening, and learning more whenever you have the chance.
Copyright © 2004, 2024 by Hesperian Health Guides. All rights reserved.
First edition: December 2004, 8th printing 2024
Printed in USA by EPAC, San Leandro, California
ISBN: 978-0-942364-23-1 paper
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Klein, Susan, b. 1948. A book for midwives : care for pregnancy, birth, and women’s health / by Susan Klein, Suellen Miller, and Fiona Thomson.-- 1st ed.
p. ; cm.
Includes index.
ISBN: 0-942364-23-6 (pbk.)
1. Midwifery. 2. Midwives. 3. Pregnancy. 4. Childbirth. 5. Women--Health and hygiene.
I. Miller, Suellen, 1947- II. Thomson, Fiona, 1974- III. Hesperian Foundation. IV. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Midwifery. WQ 165 K635b 2004]
RG960.K56 2004 618.2--dc22 2004060651 |
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