Hesperian Health Guides
Health Problems of Sex Workers
STIs, including HIV infection
Because sex workers may have sex with many different partners, they have a greater risk of getting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) than other people. They may want to protect themselves by using condoms and other safer sex practices, but their clients may refuse. Some clients become violent with sex workers who suggest safer sex practices. The increased need for money or drugs among people with addiction problems can also lead to more unsafe sex.
If a sex worker who has a womb gets an STI and it is not treated, like with anyone who has a womb, that STI may lead to infertility or cancer of the cervix. Having STIs such as herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, or chlamydia greatly increases the chance of also becoming infected with HIV. These risks are even more serious for a young person, whose genitals, reproductive organs, and anus may not be fully grown or developed.
Many sex workers do not have good information about STIs or about how to treat or prevent them. Information and health services are often not available to sex workers because of people’s prejudice against them. When sex workers do go to a health center for help, they may be treated badly or refused services.
Like other people who can become pregnant, sex workers need safe, effective, and low-cost family planning methods. If these methods are not easily available, a sex worker is more likely to have an unwanted pregnancy. If the pregnancy continues while the person continues working, both the sex worker and the developing baby are at greater risk of pregnancy complications and STIs. Or they may feel their only option is to have an unsafe abortion. Both of these are dangerous to the person’s health.
More Information
Choosing a family planning methodMore Information
self-defense for womenIn some places, women can be arrested for sex work simply by having condoms for their own protection.
A sex worker may live with others in a business for sex work (brothel) or work on the street. These conditions make it more likely that sex workers will be violently attacked, raped, or robbed, especially if they are young. If a sex worker is managed by a man (a pimp) who takes part of their earnings, he may use violence to control those who work for him.

Because sex workers are treated badly and often thought of as criminals, they are often denied any legal rights, including protection from the police. Sex workers may have to pay the police a large part of their earnings in exchange for protection. Sex workers are arrested, beaten, harassed, or even raped by the police if they refuse to pay.
If you are being mistreated by the law because you do sex work, try to learn more about your rights. There may be a sex workers’ rights group in your city or country. Or you can contact the organization listed in Other Women's Health Resources for information on how to organize a group.