Hesperian Health Guides
Chapter 17: HIV

People can live well with HIV.
More Information
medicines for HIV and AIDSMillions of people are infected with the HIV virus. More and more of them are women and girls. In 2021, more than half of all people living with HIV in the world were women and girls.
There is no cure for HIV which, if not treated, can cause AIDS. But treatment now means people with HIV can live long lives and stay in good health. To provide care for those who need it and to protect ourselves and each other from HIV and AIDS, we must be willing to talk about HIV with our families, friends and community.
Anyone may face HIV
Even women who know they are at risk may be unable to protect themselves.
Many people think they have no risk of getting HIV. They may think that only homosexuals, people who have many sex partners (like sex workers), or people who use drugs have any chance of becoming infected with HIV. This is not true. In some communities, married women get HIV more than anyone else.
People in communities that face HIV together can discuss HIV more actively and honestly. This makes it easier for those with HIV to get care and support and also helps prevent HIV from spreading.