Hesperian Health Guides
HIV Testing
Rapid HIV testing is available in many health centers and hospitals at low or no cost. You can usually get test results the same day.
When HIV enters the body, the body starts to make antibodies right away to fight the virus. These antibodies usually show in the blood 2 to 4 weeks later.
Most HIV tests look for these antibodies in the blood. An HIV test is the only way to know if a person has been infected with HIV. It is not a test for AIDS.
A positive test result means that you are infected with HIV and your body has made antibodies to the virus. Even if you feel completely well, you can spread HIV to others.
A negative test result means 1 of 2 things:
- you are not infected with HIV, or
- you were recently infected but your body has not yet made enough antibodies to HIV to test positive.
HIV testing should always be done:
- with your permission.
- with counseling before and after the test.
- with privacy. No one should know the results except you and those you choose to tell.
If you have tested negative for HIV but think you might be infected, get tested again in about 6 weeks. A positive test may also need to be repeated. A health worker can explain your HIV test results and if you need to test again to be sure.
When should you get the HIV test?
You and your partners may want to be tested if:
- you want to begin a new sexual relationship with someone, be in a faithful sexual relationship with one person, or get pregnant.
- you are pregnant.
- you, your partner, or your baby have signs of HIV.
- you or your partner have been having unsafe sex.
It can be more important to change unsafe activity than to have an HIV test.
HIV self-tests that you can do at home are now available in many places
The benefits of knowing your HIV test results
If your test is negative, you can learn how to protect yourself so you can avoid getting HIV.
If your test is positive, you can:
- start taking ART, which will keep you healthy and less likely to spread HIV to others.
- prevent the spread of HIV to your partner or baby.
- make changes in how you live and eat to help you stay healthy.
- get support from other people with HIV in your community.
- plan for yourself and your family’s future.
The challenges of knowing your HIV test results
You may have many different feelings if you find out you are infected with HIV. It is normal at first to be shocked and even deny that you could have HIV. You may also feel anger and fear, and blame yourself or others.
It often helps to talk with someone, such as the health worker who gave you your test results or someone close to you. Choose who you tell carefully. Some people might not know how to support you or may be afraid because they do not understand HIV. If you feel that telling others will be too difficult, especially a partner or a child, it may help to first talk with someone who has had to share this news themselves.
You may want to take someone you trust with you when you get your HIV test results.
More Information
mental health
A counselor is someone who listens and talks with people to help them cope with their worries, concerns, and fears, and then make their own decisions.
Counseling can be important throughout the life of a person with HIV, not only when they first discover they are infected.
A skilled counselor may be able to help a person:
- decide who to tell about having HIV and how to tell them.
- find the support of others who also have HIV.
- get the care and treatment they need quickly from health centers, including ART.
- get the support they need from their family and friends.
- understand how to stay healthy with HIV.
- plan for their future.
- learn how to be sexual in safe ways.