Hesperian Health Guides
Eating Well When You Have Little
HealthWiki > New Where There Is No Doctor > Good Food Makes Good Health > Eating Well When You Have Little
But one family or one community can usually eat better even when they have little. And perhaps by eating better, they can gain strength to stand up for social justice.

Ways to eat more and healthier foods
- Buy inexpensive simple foods like beans and grains. They are more nutritious and cost less than processed, factory-made foods such as white breads, biscuits, and tinned soups or snacks.

- If you live in a rural area, gather or hunt traditional foods like edible mushrooms, wild greens and berries, small animals, or insects. These tend to be very nutritious, and cost nothing.

- Keep chickens for eggs and meat. Some people build small ponds to raise fish to eat.
- Grow your own food in containers or a garden.
- Buy foods in bulk. Single-serving packages are almost always more expensive than buying a larger amount that you use over a longer time. If you cannot afford the cost of a larger amount, perhaps you can buy with a neighbor or family member, and then share the cost.

- Babies and young children need breast milk — not formula. Breast milk is the best food for them and it costs nothing.
- Avoid packaged cereals and flavored milks that are sold for older babies and children. These are a waste of money. Regular animal milk, or well-cooked and mashed foods cost less and are healthier for children than packaged “baby food” or “baby milk.”

- Do not throw away broth from cooking beans, meat, or vegetables. This broth is full of nutrients and can prevent anemia. Drink it or use it to cook grains and other foods. Or cook with less water and put a lid on the pot – to keep the nutrients in.
- Use the money you do have for food. Alcohol, tobacco, and bottled or canned sweet drinks cost a lot of money over time and give no nutrition.
This page was updated:12 Jun 2019