Hesperian Health Guides
Chapter 8: Teaching Everyday Activities
- take care of himself
- help with the family’s work
- be independent
- be well-behaved
Taking care of himself
Daily living skills include eating, dressing, using the toilet, and keeping clean. A child who cannot see well needs to learn all these skills so that he can take care of himself. As he grows up, if he can take care of himself it will be much easier for him to go to school and earn a living.

It’s so much easier for me to feed and dress Ayoka. It’s going to take such a long time to teach her those things. I don’t have time.
Yes, I know it seems hard now, but think of the time you’ll save later. If Ayoka can dress herself, you’ll have more time to do all the other things you have to do every morning.
My mother, Fola, is almost blind. Maybe she can tell you some things that would make it easier.
And think of how proud you’ll be when Ayoka can dress herself. You don’t want to be dressing her still when she is a big girl.