Hesperian Health Guides
How to use this book
Chapter 2: Communities Organize for Women's Health, and Chapter 10: Building a Women's Health Movement, can help you think about the process of creating plans for action and community organizing. Both Chapter 3: Gender and Health and Chapter 4: Sexuality and Sexual Health contain important information, analysis, and activities that provide a foundation for the education and organizing work on the issues covered in the other chapters.
Each chapter begins with a Table of Contents listing the main sections and activities included in that chapter. You can also use the Links to Activities to find your way directly to activities throughout the book. Appendix B: Good Meetings, from Start to Finish, and Appendix C: Activities to Encourage Participation contain more activities as well as tips on how to facilitate meetings, guide difficult discussions, and help a group of people become comfortable meeting and working together.

See a list of all the groups who shared their experiences in promoting women’s health and empowerment with us, along with their contact information. A collection of print and online resources that we have found helpful, and we hope may help you too, is found in Other Resources.
A book like this is never done. To share your activities, experiences, and other good resources you have found or developed with Hesperian and other health educators and community organizers, please email us at: [email protected]. We can’t wait to hear from you!