Hesperian Health Guides

Sores on the genitals (genital ulcers)

In this chapter:

Most sores on the genitals are sexually transmitted. (There can be other causes of sores on the genitals — like boils or injuries.)

Sores on the genitals should be kept clean. Wash them with soap and water. Dry them carefully. Wash any cloth that you dry them with before you use it again.

WARNING!    Other infections, especially HIV, can easily pass through these sores on the genitals during sex. The best way to prevent passing infections from one person to another is to not have sex until your or your partner’s sores have healed.


Syphilis is a serious STI that affects the whole body. It can last for many years, getting worse and worse. Syphilis can be cured if it is treated early.

illustration of the below: a small sore outside the vagina.
Signs of syphilis
  1. The first sign is a sore that may look like a pimple, a blister, or an open sore. It usually appears about 3 weeks after sex with a person who has syphilis, but sores can appear from 1 week to 3 months. This sore is full of germs, which are easily passed on to another person.
    a dark spot near the end of the penis.
    syphilis sore on a man's penis

    The sore does not hurt, and if it is in a place that a person doesn't notice it (inside the vagina, the anus, or the throat) a person may not know she has it. But she can still infect anyone she has sex with. The sore lasts for only a few days or weeks and then goes away. But the infection is still there and continues to spread throughout the body.

  2. Weeks or months later, the infected person may get a sore throat, mild fever, swollen joints, or a rash — especially on the palms of their hands, soles of their feet, belly, and sides. This rash contains syphilis germs which can be passed to others.

    Other signs are white patches or gray warts in the mouth or near the genitals. These contain large amounts of syphilis germs which can be passed to others.

  3. All of these signs usually go away by themselves, but the disease continues. If a person with syphilis does not get treatment early, the syphilis germs can cause heart disease, paralysis, mental illness, and death.

Syphilis and pregnancy

a woman speaking to a pregnant woman sitting with a man.
You'll need a
blood test to
be sure you
do not have

If a woman has syphilis when she is pregnant, her baby can be born too early, deformed, or dead. If possible, every pregnant woman should get a blood test to check for syphilis — especially if she has ever had sores on her genitals.

To treat syphilis
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If the person has had syphilis less than 2 years
  • inject 2.4 million Units benzathine benzylpenicillin
in the muscle, 1 time only
if the person is allergic to penicillin:
  • give 500 mg erythromycin
by mouth, 4 times a day for 14 days
  • give 2 g azithromycin
by mouth, 1 time only
If the person has had syphilis for 2 years or more, or if you don’t know how long the person has had syphilis
  • inject 2.4 million Units benzathine benzylpenicillin
in the muscle, 1 time a week for 3 weeks
if the person is allergic to penicillin:
  • give 500 mg erythromycin
by mouth, 4 times a day for 30 days
Also give the same medicines to the woman’s partner.

The erythromycin or azithromycin will treat the pregnant person but will not treat the baby. You will need to treat the newborn baby for syphilis soon after delivery.

WARNING!   It is very hard to tell the difference between syphilis and chancroid. If you are not sure whether the woman has syphilis or chancroid,or both, you should treat for both. Also treat for both if both are common in your area.


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Chancroid is an STI that causes sores on the genitals. It is easily confused with syphilis.

Signs of chancroid
  • one or more soft, painful sores on the genitals or anus that bleed easily
  • enlarged, painful glands (buboes) in the groin
  • slight fever

To treat chancroid
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  • give 1 g azithromycin
by mouth, 1 time only
  • give 500 mg erythromycin
by mouth, 4 times a day for 7 days
  • inject 250 mg ceftriaxone
in the muscle, 1 time only

Genital herpes

Genital herpes is a virus that causes painful blisters which burst and turn into sores on the skin. Herpes is spread when the sore on one person touches another person’s skin — usually during vaginal or anal sex. Genital herpes usually affects the genitals or anus. Rarely, the sores may spread to the mouth during oral sex.

Note: Some sores on the mouth — called cold sores — are caused by another type of herpes. These sores may be passed from the mouth to the genitals during oral sex.
Signs of herpes
blisters outside the vagina.
blisters from genital herpes
  • tingling, itching, or pain on the genitals
  • small blisters that burst and form painful open sores on the genitals

Once a person has the virus, he or she can get sores many times. The first time a person has herpes sores, they can last 3 weeks or more. The person may also have fever, headaches, body aches, chills, and swollen lymph nodes near the genitals. The next infections are usually not as bad as the first one.

Herpes spreads more when a person has a sore, but it can also spread when there are no signs. People should not have sex when they have a sore, and should use condoms when they do not have sores. Internal (female) condoms may work better because they cover more of the genitals.

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To make the sores feel a little better:

  • Put ice on the sore as soon as you feel it. This may stop the sore from getting worse.
  • Soak a cloth in cooled black tea or tea made of cloves. Hold the wet cloth on the sores.
  • Sit in a pan or bath of clean cool water.
  • Mix water and baking soda or cornstarch into a paste and put it on the sore area.
  • Apply witch hazel or a local plant that makes the skin dry.

There is no cure for herpes but these medicines may lessen the length and pain of outbreaks.

For a first herpes outbreak
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  • give 400 mg acyclovir
by mouth, 3 times a day for 7days
For continuing herpes outbreaks
  • give 400 mg acyclovir
by mouth, 3 times a day for 5 days
For a woman with more than 6 herpes outbreaks a year
  • give 400 mg acyclovir
by mouth, 2 times every day for 1 year. Then stop and see if the medicine is still needed.
For a pregnant woman who has had herpes outbreaks in the past
  • give 400 mg acyclovir
by mouth, 2 times every day during the last month of pregnancy
To help with pain
  • give 500 to 1000 mg paracetamol
by mouth, every 4-6 hours, until the pain goes away (do not take more than 4000 mg in a day)

A person with a lot of stress or other health problems is likely to get sores more often. So if possible, people with herpes should get plenty of rest and eat healthy food.

WARNING!   Herpes is very dangerous for the eyes and can cause blindness. After touching a herpes sore, always wash your hands with soap and water.

Herpes and pregnancy

It is possible for herpes to be passed from mother to baby, usually during delivery if the mother has vaginal sores at the time of birth. A first-time infection during pregnancy is even more likely to pass to the baby. For this reason, a woman in labor with an active herpes sore should give birth in a hospital, usually by caesarean surgery. Risk can be reduced or prevented by treating a first-time herpes outbreak immediately with acyclovir, whenever during pregnancy it occurs. A woman who already has had herpes and experienced an outbreak during pregnancy can use acyclovir daily during the last month of pregnancy.

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HPV (genital warts)

HPV is a virus that can cause warts to grow on the genitals or anus. It is possible to have warts and not know it, especially if they are growing inside the vagina or inside the tip of the penis. The warts are not dangerous, but they can be uncomfortable.

Signs of genital warts
  • Itching.
  • Small, dry bumps on or near the genitals or anus. The bumps do not hurt and may be red, brown, white, or the color of your skin.

To test for HPV: touch the warts with a mixture of plain vinegar and water. The warts will turn a whitish color if they are caused by HPV.

WARNING!   Large, flat, wet growths that look like warts are not usually HPV. They may be caused by syphilis. Anyone with these growths should be tested for syphilis and not use the following treatment.

  1. To protect the healthy skin, put petroleum gel (Vaseline) or another greasy ointment on the skin around each wart.
  2. With a small stick, put a little trichloroacetic acid (TCA) 80% to 90% solution or bichloroacetic acid (BCA) on the wart. Leave the acid on until the wart turns white. Be careful not to spill the acid on the healthy skin. Wash the acid off after 30 minutes or if the burning feeling is very painful.
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    The acid should burn the wart off and leave a painful sore where the wart used to be.

    Repeat the treatment once a week for 4-6 weeks for the wart to go away completely. Keep the sore clean and dry until it heals. The woman should not have sex until the sore heals.

The types of HPV that cause cancer in a woman’s cervix are not the same types of HPV that cause warts. Learn how to test a woman’s cervix for HPV.

There are now 3 different vaccines for HPV. All protect against the 2 types of HPV that cause most of the cervical cancer in the world. All can be given to women until age 45, and some can be given to men until age 26. It is best to vaccinate boys and girls against HPV before they become sexually active.

This page was updated:01 Mar 2024