Hesperian Health Guides
How to help stop STIs in your community
HealthWiki > A Book for Midwives > Chapter 18: Sexually transmitted infections > How to help stop STIs in your community
- Talk about STIs with the people you care for. Some people may feel embarrassed to talk about them, but knowing more may save their lives.
- During prenatal checkups, ask women about unusual discharge or sores on the genitals, or offer to examine them for signs of STIs.
- Organize a group to talk about health topics, including STIs and HIV.

I want my daughters to be safe — but I don’t know what to say. My mother never talked to me about this.
I know what you mean. Can we think of ways to explain this to them?
- Support education about sex in your local school. Help parents understand that teaching about STIs, including HIV, helps young people make safer choices later on when they start having sex.
- Talk about condoms with men and help them understand the risks of STIs, including the risks to pregnant women and their babies.
- Find out from your local medical center, hospital, or Ministry of Health what STIs are the most common in your community.
- Find out what medicines to treat STIs work best in your area — and find out what they cost. Learn how to treat STIs, or help women find treatment.
- Start a community pharmacy so that it will be easier for people to get medicines and condoms.
This page was updated:28 Aug 2024