Hesperian Health Guides
Chapter 28: Eating well for health

The food is not very good.
I get stomach aches from eating too fast.
I just would like more to eat.
Low wages, tight production deadlines, overtime, and being too tired can prevent workers from buying, cooking, and eating enough nutritious food to be healthy. Some factories have cafeterias that make meals for workers. Other factories provide a space for workers to eat food they bring from home or buy outside the factory. But many factories do neither.
Every workplace must provide:
- a clean, safe place to eat food either made in the factory, brought from home, or purchased outside.
- enough time to purchase, prepare, and eat a healthy meal.
- washing facilities so workers can clean up before and after they eat.
- wages that allow workers and their families to have good nutrition.
This page was updated:06 Jul 2024