Hesperian Health Guides

This publication was made possible through support provided by Plan International, Childreach—the US member of Plan International, DANIDA—Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The May and Stanley Smith Charitable Trust, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and the US Agency for International Development (under the terms of Cooperative Agreement No. 442-A-00-02-00172-00). The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the US Agency for International Development nor those of our other committed supporters.
Some of these supporters have also been collaborators, sharing their understanding of the needs of parents and health promoters working with children. They have reviewed and field-tested early versions of this book, improving it immeasurably.
Advisors and reviewers
How to help children who are deaf communicate is a very controversial topic. We are especially grateful to the many committed people who gave so freely of their guidance and opinions despite the inclusion of ideas they may not have completely agreed with.
This book could not have been written without the help of parents, teachers, deaf adults, and health workers from around the world, who shared their experiences, stories of the challenges they faced, and solutions they found.
Thanks to the following groups who contributed so much of their hearts and minds in reviewing draft materials:
in Bangladesh: Center for Disability in Development |
in Haiti: Pazapa |
in Uganda: Uganda Society for Disabled Children |
in Cameroon: Abundant Life Ministry for Blind and Deaf Children |
in India: Balavidyalaya |
in Vietnam: Catholic Relief Services, Pearl S. Buck International |
in People’s Republic of China: Tianjin Hearing Disability Rehabilitation Center |
in Jamaica: Clarendon Group for the Disabled, Jamaica Association for the Deaf |
in Zimbabwe: NZEVE Deaf Children’s Centre |
in Ghana: Ashanti School for the Deaf |
in Mongolia: The School for Deaf and Blind Children |
in Tanzania: Chama Cha Viziwi Tanzania (CHAVITA) |

Thanks also to Fundación Puntos de Encuentro for facilitating review of parts of Chapter 1 in Nicaragua with members of the Centro Fé, Esperanza y Amor, Escuela Cristiana de Sordos in Managua; Asociación por un Mundo sin Barreras in Chinandega; and the Asociación Nacional de Sordos de Nicaragua (ANSNIC).
We also wish to express our thanks to the many advisors, reviewers, and others who shared their knowledge and expertise:
- Carol-lee Aquiline, World Federation of the Deaf, Finland
- Jonathan Brakarsh, Family Support Trust, Zimbabwe
- Freda Briggs, Australia
- Arlene Brown, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, University of Colorado, USA
- Gonzalo Delgado, Plan Internacional, UK
- Charlie Dittmeier, Maryknoll Deaf Development Program, Cambodia
- Birgit Dyssegaard, DANIDA, Denmark
- Jill Ellis, Center for the Education of the Infant Deaf, USA
- Roxanna Pastor Fasquelle, Mexico
- Teresa Glass, USA
- Gulbadan Habibi, UNICEF
- Gabriela Holzman, Jean Weingarten Peninsula Oral School for the Deaf, USA
- Kathleen Huff, Catholic Relief Services, Vietnam
- Khairul Islam, Plan International, Bangladesh,
- Namita Jacob, Chetana, India
- Patrick Kangwa, Inclusive Education, Zambia
- Liisa Kauppinen, World Federation of the Deaf, Finland
- Margaret Kennedy, Trainer on Disability & Abuse, UK
- Elina Lehtomaki, University of Syvaskyla, Finland
- Susie Miles, EENET, UK
- David Morley, TALC, UK
- Nancy Moser, Center on Deafness, UCSF, USA
- Natalia Popova, Los Pipitos, Nicaragua
- Shannon Reese, USA
- Charles Reilly, Gallaudet University, USA
- Rosalinda Ricasa, Gallaudet University, USA
- Marilyn Sass-Lehrer, Gallaudet University, USA
- Judy Shepard-Kegl and James Shepard-Kegl, Nicaraguan Sign Language Projects, Inc., USA
- Andrew Smith, World Health Organization
- Theresa Smith, American Sign Language and Interpreting School of Seattle, USA
- Ester Tallah, Plan International, Cameroon
- Abiola Tilley-Gyado, Plan International, UK
- Andrew Tomkins, Institute for Child Health, UK
- Joanne Travers, USA
- Madan Vashista, USA
- Susan Wecht, USA
- Cindy Weill, Catholic Relief Services, Vietnam
- Amy Wilson, Gallaudet University, USA
- Sheila Wirz, UK
- Doreen Woodford, Deaf Africa Fund, UK
- Gabriela Holzman, Jean Weingarten Peninsula Oral School for the Deaf, USA
- Owen Wrigley, Burma
Medical reviewers
- Peter Cooch, USA
- Chris Forshaw, Uganda
- Brian Linde, USA
- Mike C.F. Smith, UK and Nepal
- Shane Zim, USA