Hesperian Health Guides
Saving lives with post-abortion care
HealthWiki > Health Actions for Women > Chapter 9: Preventing Deaths from Unsafe Abortion > Saving lives with post-abortion care

Women need emergency care without delay
One of the reasons women die after unsafe abortions is that they or their families wait too long to get help. There are many things a community can do to help or encourage people to seek care without delay.
To learn all the reasons why people in your community are delayed in receiving help for problems after an unsafe abortion, try adapting the discussion guide about the 4 delays.
The following activity, using dramatic stories, can help a group learn about the importance of getting a woman the care she needs quickly if she has any signs of a health problem after an unsafe abortion. It is also a good way for a group to learn more about the danger signs for problems after an abortion and how to help. This is called a "replay drama" because the story is replayed a second time to ask the audience how to save the woman. Also see the activity, "Happy ending" role plays to think about change.
Replay drama: Saving lives after an abortion
To prepare: Create a dramatic situation for each of the danger signs: bleeding, signs of infection, shock, and injury. Make up situations realistic for your community, but do not use names of real people or examples that seem to be about a real person in the community.
- Introduce the activity and review with the group the danger signs after an abortion and what to do about them (see the next section for this information).
- Form small groups of 3 or 4 people and give each group a situation to dramatize. Explain that they will dramatize the story twice. The first time, the woman will not get help and will die. The second time, the audience will step in to save her. Remind everyone to treat the women in the dramas with kindness and not to use judgmental or hurtful language.
- After the drama about each situation, the actors stop and ask the audience, "What should we have done to save her life?"
- Perform the dramas a second time but use the group’s suggestions to save the women’s lives. People in the audience who have ideas can become actors who help carry or treat the woman.
- To conclude, ask people what they learned about how to help women with problems after an abortion. You can also ask the group to think about how this could be done in their community.

Danger signs after abortion or miscarriage
The 2 most dangerous problems a woman can have after an abortion or miscarriage are bleeding too much and infection. Both of these problems can happen when tissue from the pregnancy is still inside the womb, or when the womb has been torn or punctured by a sharp tool. Infection of the womb can also be caused when something is put in the woman’s vagina that was not clean enough (sterilized). A woman with signs of these problems can die quickly if she does not get medical help right away. When people know the danger signs, they will be more ready to help women get the care they need.
What to do
When you know the danger signs for each health problem, there are some things you can do while transporting the woman to get medical care.
Heavy bleeding from the vagina: bleeding that soaks more than 2 pads in one hour, and lasts for 2 hours. A slow, steady trickle of bright red blood is also dangerous.
Signs of infection: fever over 38°C (100.4°F), chills, pain in the belly, bad-smelling discharge from vagina, or weakness.

Signs of shock: cold, pale, or damp skin; fast breathing (more than 30 breaths a minute); a very fast heartbeat (more than 100 beats a minute); unusual weakness, dizziness or lightheadedness, and even confusion or unconsciousness (fainting).
Signs of injury inside the body: very bad pain in the belly, especially with movement; belly feels stiff or hard, and you can hear no sounds or gurgles inside; fever, nausea, and vomiting; pain in one or both shoulders.
The sooner a woman gets help for any of these problems, the greater the possibility of saving her life. To learn more about complications of abortion and what to do, see Where Women Have No Doctor or A Book for Midwives. You can also see Other Resources.

Supporting a woman after an abortion

A woman may have strong feelings after an abortion, even if she knows she made the right decision for herself and her family. Some women feel a mixture of relief, sadness, grief, guilt, shame, anger, and even love. It is also common for women to feel sad and grieve when a pregnancy ends because of miscarriage. These feelings are normal, but having to hide them and pretend nothing has happened can make them worse. Many women find it helpful to talk with other women who have had the same experience.
Creating a ritual to reflect on what happened can also help a woman let go of the experience and move on with life. For example, burying or burning an object related to the abortion can symbolize closure. In some communities, a woman may plant a tree or visit a sacred place and make offerings.