Hesperian Health Guides
The right to organize
HealthWiki > Workers' Guide to Health and Safety > Chapter 23: Workers who migrate > The right to organize
Learn about your rights and resources
Each country has labor laws that affect migrant workers, even those who do not have legal papers. Learn about your rights from worker organizations, unions, other workers, the government, or research on the Internet. These might also be good places to find out what organizations can help you to get medical care, to learn the language, or, for example, if you get fired.

- Overtime
- Discrimination
Talk with other workers about common problems
Although there are things that may cause workers to experience the workplace differently, such as gender, age, and ethnicity, there are many dangers in the factory that affect all workers, such as low pay, unhealthy or unsafe conditions, and forced overtime.
Make time to talk with other workers about the problems they face. A problem that affects one person can easily become a problem that affects many.
Developing relationships with other workers in your factory can also help you feel less lonely and stressed. You can develop a resource guide from the information that each of you knows or a map that shows the dangerous areas of the city, stores to buy less costly goods, health centers, and police stations.
Empty Night, Not Alone
My name is Xiaomei and I moved to Shenzhen to work in a factory. I was very sad when I moved here. I didn’t have any friends and I didn’t want to tell my family about my problems because they would worry. I actually didn’t want to work in the factory at all. When I was growing up, I dreamed of working in a radio station. So when I moved here, I would go to the local radio station whenever I had free time and offer to help. One day, the radio host was sick so they asked me to host the show. I didn’t know what to talk about, so I started talking about my life in the factory. I talked about feeling lonely and the conditions in my factory, which were not good. The owners of the factory heard the show and fired me the very next day. I was really upset! But then the radio station owner told me that many people liked the show. When I told them I had been fired, they offered me a job.
My show is called "Empty Night, Not Alone" and it is a space for young migrant women workers to share their experiences and feel like they are "not alone," that someone understands the challenges of their lives, their joys and sorrows. We talk about worker rights and some of the resources available in Shenzhen, where to find internet cafés to connect with our families, where to learn the language, how to protect ourselves, and many other things.
Build a social organization
Many migrants move to a new place because they have family or friends who have already moved there. You can begin to get together on days off to share traditional foods from your region and discuss problems faced in the workplace, news from home, and how you might help family and friends left behind. Migrant associations provide a supportive place to socialize and often raise funds for projects back home, such as buying a community ambulance or helping a school. Working with your new community, you can organize for better conditions for yourself and other migrant workers while you nurture your connections to your culture and home.
Social centers for migrant workers
The National Workers’ Congress (NWC) in Sri Lanka opened union membership to migrant workers in 1995. But organizing migrant workers inside the export factories was no easy task because many were scared of organizing. The boss controlled their free time and since they lived and worked inside the factory compounds, they ended up working a lot. The boss had also threatened that if they joined the union they would be fired and sent back to their countries.

To give migrant workers a safe space to explore organizing, NWC created "Friendship Houses." These spaces are located outside the factory compounds. Workers can go there to borrow books or magazines, talk to other workers, watch television, and find information about labor rights. The staff also organizes health trainings and invites workers to attend conversations about union organizing. They want to empower workers to take more control over their work lives and become leaders in their own factories.