Hesperian Health Guides

Harmful Ideas About Eating

In this chapter:

In many parts of the world, certain traditions and beliefs about women and food are more harmful than helpful.

For example:

It is not true that girls need less food than boys. All bodies need to be fed well to be healthy, and girls and women work as hard as boys and men in most communities, if not harder. Children who are healthy and well-fed grow up to be healthy adults, and have fewer problems at school and at work.

It is not true that some foods should be avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In some communities, people believe that certain foods—like beans, eggs, chicken, milk products, meat, fish, fruits, or vegetables—should be avoided at certain times in life, for instance, during menstruation or pregnancy, immediately after childbirth, while breastfeeding, or during menopause. But these are all healthy foods, especially during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Avoiding them can cause weakness, illness, and even death.

It is not true that a woman should feed her family first. A woman is sometimes taught to feed her family before herself. She eats only what is left and often does not get as much food as the rest of the family. This is never healthy. And for someone who is pregnant, or has just had a baby, it can be very dangerous.

a man and small child sitting at a table; the man speaks to a woman carrying food
Come and eat.

If a family does not help a woman eat well, we encourage her to do what she must to get enough food. She may need to eat while cooking, or hide food and eat it when her husband is out of the house.

It is not true that a sick person needs less food than a healthy person. Good food not only prevents disease but also helps a sick person fight disease and become well again. As a general rule, the same foods that are good for people when they are healthy are good for them when they are sick.

This page was updated:22 Jan 2024