Hesperian Health Guides
Family Planning after an Abortion
After an abortion it is possible get pregnant again right away, so talk with someone about family planning and start using one of these methods as soon as possible. If you wait 7 days or more before starting hormonal birth control, use a condom for the first 10 days of your new method because hormonal methods of family planning take time to start working.
Someone who has just had an abortion may want information on family planning methods and how to get them. Make this information available, but understand that not everyone wants to talk about this immediately after an abortion.
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- Implants: Implants can be put in just before or just after the abortion.
For more information on all these methods, see the chapter on “Family Planning”.
- Tubal ligation: This operation cuts and ties the tubes that carry eggs to the womb. It can be done immediately after an abortion. This is permanent and is not for people who might still want to become pregnant.
- Vasectomy: This operation cuts the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles to the penis. It can be done at any time. This is permanent and is not for people who might still want to have children conceived with their own sperm.
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- Condoms: You can use condoms as soon as you have sex again. Condoms also protect against STIs, including HIV.

- Behavioral methods (mucus and counting days): These methods do not work until your normal menstrual cycle returns.
This page was updated:13 Nov 2023