Hesperian Health Guides
Chapter 22: Abnormal Bleeding from the Vagina
How to use this chapter:
Most of the problems in this chapter are described more fully in other parts of this book. If you are worried about bleeding from your vagina, look it up in this chapter and then turn to the other suggested pages in the book for more information. If the problem is not covered in this book, see a health worker trained to do pelvic exams.
It is normal for menstrual periods to change from time to time because of illness, stress, pregnancy, breastfeeding, a long journey, overwork, or a change in diet. But if your menstrual periods change suddenly, or the changes last more than a few months or are unusual or uncomfortable in some other way, it may be a sign of a more serious problem.
If your menstrual period changes suddenly or stops, check if you are pregnant—even if you have been using a family planning method.
More Information
menstrual periodsMore Information
pregnancyDanger signs:

Heavy bleeding is usually an emergency and can lead to shock, which can be deadly. Get medical help for unusually heavy bleeding from the vagina or:
- bleeding from the vagina with missed menstrual period and pain in the abdomen. This could be a tubal pregnancy.
- bleeding from the vagina late in pregnancy.
- heavy bleeding from the vagina that is unexpected or that comes after birth, miscarriage, or abortion.