Hesperian Health Guides
Water and Sanitation
Aquamore, Zimbabwe
Technical support and information on ecological sanitation and community water management.
Create an Oasis with Greywater by Art Ludwig, Oasis Design
Describes how to choose, build, and use many types of greywater reuse systems for rural, urban, or village settings.
DEMOTECH – Designs for Self-Reliance
Educational material for sanitation and water systems, innovative education methods.
Emergency Sanitation for Refugees
Potters for Peace
Information and technical support for making low cost ceramic water filters.
Practica Foundation
Information about rope pumps and other lowcost water and sanitation technologies.
SODIS-Solar Disinfection
Provides technical support and information about solar disinfection.
WELL — Resource Centre Network for Water, Sanitation and Environmental Health
Provides information and support with water, sanitation and environmental health.
World Health Organization - Dengue
World Health Organization - Malaria