Hesperian Health Guides
Appendix A: Child Development Charts
HealthWiki > New Where There Is No Doctor > Caring for Children > Appendix A: Child Development Charts
How to use these child development charts
Children develop in several main areas: physical (body), mental (mind), communication (gesturing or talking), and social (relating to other people). Some skills a child learns include all these areas. For example, when a child reaches her arms up to be held, she is using a:
- physical skill – she holds up her arms.
- mental skill – she recognizes you.
- communication skill – she tells you what she wants.
- social skill – she enjoys being held by you.
The charts below show some of the skills children learn and when most children learn them. You can use the chart to get general information about how children develop and to help you decide what skills the child needs to learn. For a print quality version of these charts, click here.
To help you decide what skills the child needs to learnFind the chart for the age group closest to the child’s age. On the chart, circle the skills your child has. You may find your child does not have some skills that other children his age have. Knowing this can help you decide which activities you want to work on with the child. In the chart above, a mother has circled the skills her 20-month-old daughter can do. Her child needs activities to help her gain physical and communication skills.
Each part of this circle shows a different area of development. The pictures and words are examples of skills that many babies have when they are 3 months old.
responds to
familiar voices or faces reacts to
sudden sounds or movements recognizes main caregivers
cries when hungry or uncomfortable
can be
comforted by voice or touch smiles when
played with is aware of hands
sucks on breast
lifts head up when on belly Babies who cannot do 2 skills in any part of the circle will benefit from activities that help babies develop in that area. But the pictures are only examples of skills. For example, in the Communication part of the circle: you do not have to play the flute! The question to ask yourself is if your baby reacts to a sudden sound.
Keep in mind that a baby will learn best by doing activities that other babies the same age do in your community.
Each part of this circle shows a different area of development. The pictures and words are examples of skills that many babies have when they are 6 months old.
makes simple
sounds or gestures aaah
turns head toward sounds
or movements picks up things and puts them
in mouth plays with toys in different ways
is interested in objects
shows fear
with strangers makes requests for attention
recognizes several people
rolls from stomach to back
and from back to stomach sits with
some support wiggles and kicks arms and legs Babies who cannot do 2 skills in any part of the circle will benefit from activities that help babies develop in that area. But the pictures are only examples of skills. For example, in the Physical part of the circle: your baby does not have to play with a rattle. The question to ask yourself is if your baby wiggles and kicks.
Keep in mind that a baby will learn best by doing activities that other babies the same age do in your community.
Each part of this circle shows a different area of development. The pictures and words are examples of skills that many babies have when they are 12 months old.
understands simple
words or signs Give it
to me. begins to babble
by joining sounds together, or repeats hand shapes begins to name things
ga-ga wa wa
learns that an object exists even if it is
out of sight works to solve simple problems
begins to
understand cause and effect uses
gestures cries when caregiver leaves
begins to enjoy social
games like peek-a-boo sits without help
pulls to standing position
Babies who cannot do 2 skills in any part of the circle will benefit from activities that help babies develop in that area. But the pictures are only examples of skills. For example, in the Social part of the circle: you do not have to play peek-a-boo with your baby. The question to ask yourself is if your baby enjoys social games.
Keep in mind that a baby will learn best by doing activities that other babies the same age do in your community.
Each part of this circle shows a different area of development. The pictures and words are examples of skills that many children have when they are 2 years old.
uses 2 and
3 word sentences play
ball papa
simple words imitates single
words or signs cup
objects uses objects related to
each other pays attention to
activities for longer times plays alongside
other children imitates caregivers
asks others
when she needs help stacks large
objects walks
squats Children who cannot do 2 skills in any part of the circle will benefit from activities that help children develop in that area. But the pictures are only examples of skills. For example, in the Mental part of the circle: your child does not have to be able to play a drum. The question to ask yourself is if your child uses 2 objects together.
Keep in mind that a child will learn best by doing activities that other children the same age do in your community.
Each part of this circle shows a different area of development. The pictures and words are examples of skills that many children have when they are 3 years old.
your mouth? communicates clearly
I want to go
with papa understands most
simple language
fits shapes into
matching holes or spaces sorts
objects takes things apart and puts them together
likes to be praised after
doing simple tasks Thank you
for helping enjoys helping
around the house is aware of people's feelings
runs, jumps, climbs
uses hand for
more complex tasks throws a ball Children who cannot do 2 skills in any part of the circle will benefit from activities that help children develop in that area. But the pictures are only examples of skills. For example, in the Social part of the circle: your child does not have to sweep the floor. The question to ask yourself is if your child enjoys helping work with the family.
Keep in mind that a child will learn best by doing activities that other children the same age do in your community.
Each part of this circle shows a different area of development. The pictures and words are examples of skills that many children have when they are 5 years old.
I fell in
the water asks many questions
Who is
over there? What are they doing? talks about what
he has done
follows simple
directions does
simple puzzles understands
counting understands rules
plays with other children
I'm sad.
I'm sorry.
many feelings copies simple
shapes easily walks
backwards hops on one foot
Children who cannot do 2 skills in any part of the circle will benefit from activities that help children develop in that area. But the pictures are only examples of skills. For example, in the Social part of the circle: your child does not have to be listening to a teacher. The question to ask yourself is if your child understands rules like other children do.
Keep in mind that a child will learn best by doing activities that other children the same age do in your community.
This page was updated:25 Oct 2024