Hesperian Health Guides
Start where people are at
HealthWiki > Health Actions for Women > Chapter 5: Preventing Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) > Start where people are at

Women are especially vulnerable to STIs and STIs are especially harmful to women if they are not treated. Some STIs can cause severe illness, infertility, problems with pregnancy, and even death. STIs can also cause serious health problems and lifelong disabilities in babies born to women with untreated infections. Supporting women to develop their ability to express their needs is key to helping them prevent STIs. Gender boxes and Communication is powerful can help you work with women learning to speak up. Also, you can adapt most activities in this chapter to focus on STIs in general or only on HIV.

Secret questions
Sometimes people feel uncomfortable asking questions about STIs in a group. This activity can make it easier for people to ask about things they are concerned about, or do not want to admit they do not know.
This activity works best when everyone in the group knows how to write. It can work with a group of both women and men, as well as with only women or only men.
- Ask everyone to write down at least one question about STIs on a small piece of paper. Collect the papers and put them in a bag or hat. No one will know who asked which question, and you can also add questions you think people would like to ask but are too shy to ask even privately.
- Review the questions and choose some to answer. You can do this at the beginning or end of a meeting, or you can make it the focus of the whole meeting. You can also save some questions for another meeting. But explain what you are doing so no one feels her questions were ignored.
I ask people to send a text message or call me before the meeting and leave their questions on my voicemail. They trust me not to reveal who asked what.
- Depending on the question, you might simply answer it, invite someone else to answer it, or use it to start a discussion. You can invite a health worker to join you to help answer questions.