Hesperian Health Guides
Danger signs during labor
HealthWiki > A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities > Chapter 11: Labor and birth > Danger signs during labor
Waters break but labor does not start within 24 hours
Go to a health center or hospital. When the waters have broken, the risk is much higher that you or your baby could get a serious infection. You may need to get fluids or medicines in the vein (intravenous, IV).

Baby lying sideways
Go to a hospital. Do not try to change the position of the baby once labor has started. This can tear the womb or separate the placenta from the womb wall. A baby lying sideways cannot be born without an operation.
Bleeding before the baby is born
Go to the hospital right away. If you are bleeding bright red blood, it could mean the placenta is separating from the womb wall or is covering the opening of the womb. This is very dangerous.
Fever is usually a sign of infection. If your fever is not very strong, you may just need fluids. Drink plenty of water, tea, or juice, and try to pass urine every few hours.
If your fever is very high and you have chills, go to a health center or hospital. You need antibiotic medicines right away.

—Proverb from Niger
Too long labor
Go to a health center or hospital. When labor lasts longer than 1 day and 1 night, or if you are pushing hard for more than 2 hours, you may need medicines or an operation for the baby to be born.
Green or brown waters
If it is still early labor, or if the mother has not started pushing, it is best for this baby to be born in a hospital. When the bag of waters breaks, the water should be clear or a little pink. Brown or green waters mean the baby has probably passed stool inside the womb and could be in trouble.
If the mother is far along in her labor and the baby is going to be born soon, have the mother push as hard as she can and get the baby out quickly. As soon as the baby’s head is out, and before it takes its first breath, ask the mother to stop pushing. Wipe the baby’s mouth and nose with a finger wrapped in a clean cloth, or use a suction bulb to suck out the mucus. Once the nose and mouth have
been cleaned out, the mother can push the rest of the baby’s body out.
Pre-Eclampsia (Toxemia of Pregnancy)
Pre-eclampsia can lead to seizures and even death. If the mother has any of these danger signs,
go to a hospital right away:
- strong headache
- blurred or double vision
- sudden, steady severe pain at the top of the
belly, just below the high point between the ribs - overactive reflexes
- high blood pressure
- protein in the urine
If the mother starts to have a seizure and you know she does not have epilepsy:

- Put something under her head to protect it, and put her on her left side if possible. But do not try to hold her down.
- Keep her cool.
- Take her to the nearest hospital.
A woman who has epilepsy can also get toxemia.