Hesperian Health Guides
Work for the joy of it
If you want other people to take part in improving their lives and caring for their health, you must enjoy such activities yourself. If not, who will want to follow your example?

Most midwives do their work out of love and as a service to the community. Although their work has great value, midwives are rarely paid much (a sad truth for many health workers and women workers in general). Even so, a midwife who works hard and puts the needs of her community first will usually be respected and appreciated by the people she serves.
You may or may not be paid for your work, but never refuse to care for someone who is poor or cannot pay. Everyone deserves your full care and attention.
The work of a midwife is often difficult. Midwives work long hours, lose sleep, strain their bodies, and challenge their minds. Midwives feel an intense responsibility that can cause stress or deep emotional pain. For most midwives, these challenges are all worth facing, because the work of a midwife is also so rewarding. Teaching women and families about their bodies and health, treating serious health problems, and helping welcome new lives into the world are some of the most important and rewarding tasks anyone can do in their lives. Our world needs the valuable work of midwives because midwives make this world stronger, healthier, and safer.