Hesperian Health Guides


Example usage:

{{bctrail|segments=3|bookurl=Where There Is No Doctor|
booktitle=Special Book Title|chaptitle=Chapter 1: Home Cures 
and Popular Beliefs|chapterurl=Chapter 1: Home Cures and Popular Beliefs|
pagetitle=Different page title}}

Yields the breadcrumb trail at the top of the page

(Note: the links here are weird / broken because this is a template page, rather than a normal page)

  • passing in "segments" (numeric). this tells us how long the trail is (not including the first 'home' link that all the trails have.)
  • passing in "hometitle" (alpha - option to override 'HeathWiki' default name of first / home link)
  • passing in "homeurl" (alpha - optional to override the default link to the Home page)
  • passing in "booktitle" (alpha - option to override display of Namespace as book name
  • passing in "bookurl" (alpha - optional to override the default link to the Namespace as part of the URL. Intended primarily for non-English wikis).
  • passing in "chaptitle" to be displayed on the page (alpha - optional).
  • passing in "chapterurl" (alpha - optional to override the default link to the chapter title as part of the URL. Intended primarily for non-English wikis).
  • passing in "pagetitle" (alpha - optional to override display of actual page name)

You can also insert a fundraising blurb here: Add class="bct-fundraising" to the #bct div, and then insert a

<div class="fundraising desktop-only"> ... </div>
<div class="fundraising mobile-only"> ... </div>

When done with the blurb, remove the added content, and the bct-fundraising class.