Hesperian Health Guides
Resources about Ebola for Health Workers

Health workers in the West African countries of Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea need support to protect themselves and others against Ebola. They need accurate and easy to share information to keep themselves and their colleagues healthy as they nurse their communities back to health. Keeping health workers safe and healthy is the best defense against the further spread of Ebola.
If you or your coworkers are working with individuals or communities affected by Ebola, following government recommendations and using the established treatment centers are essential to safe practice. However, because not everyone has access to accurate information or the material resources they need, we've compiled a list of fact sheets and resources about Ebola that can help in your work.
The resources in this list provide practical, accessible information about Ebola, including information about preventing infection, protective equipment and clothing, handling waste, providing safe and dignified burial, and offering emotional support to the community. Toward the bottom of the list you will find links to more technical guides and guidelines, as well as a list of other websites containing multiple resources about Ebola.
These resources are meant for use by health workers and educators focusing their work on Ebola-affected West African countries. If you are interested in learning about Ebola prevention and treatment in the U.S., we suggest you start your research on the website of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
Links to useful materials for health workers working in Ebola-affected areas or focused on preventing Ebola in their communities:
Ebola Infection and Prevention
Ebola Radio Health Messages in Local Languages
Poster of Ebola Symptoms and emergency phone number for Sierra Leone
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Poster of Ebola symptoms and emergency phone number for Liberia
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Poster of Ebola signs, symptoms and key messages for health workers
Ministry of Health and Sanitation, Sierra Leone; UNICEF, WHO, CDC
Ebola Fact Sheet for Sierra Leone
Ebola Do’s and Don’ts Poster
20 messages about Ebola for children to learn and use
Children for Health
Video about preventing Ebola transmission told by a Liberian boy
The Communication Initiative
Protective wear and other safety measures for working with Ebola
Steps to putting on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Training Guide: Standard Safety Measures and other important information for Health Workers
Christian Health Association of Liberia (CHAL)
Hand washing, cleaning and handling Waste in Ebola-affected communities
Posters showing how to mix cleaning solutions for hand washing and cleaning to protect against Ebola
How to safely collect blood samples
How to safely clean-up areas
Death and Burial
When someone dies of Ebola in the home
Safe and dignified burial when someone has died from suspected or confirmed Ebola
Stigma and emotional support: Practical ways of helping families affected by Ebola
Poster: Preventing Stigma by Protecting your Family and Community against Ebola
Psychological first aid and support for communities affected by Ebola
Psychosocial support and mental health care for communities affected by Ebola
International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Guides and Guidelines for Health Workers working with Ebola response programs
Manual for the care and management of patients in Ebola Care Units / Community Care Centres
Mobilizing informal health workers for Ebola response
IDS, US University of Sussex, University of Exeter, London School of Higiene and Tropical Medicine
Scaling up public health campaigns
The Communication Initiative
Guidance on Infant Feeding in the Context of Ebola
Guide to disinfecting and decontaminating Ebola-infected surfaces
Links to websites with many resources for health workers about Ebola
Community Ebola Toolkit
Community Health Global Network
Ebola Global Alert and Response
World Health Organization (WHO)
Ebola Prevention Website
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Ebola Resources
Mother and Child Health and Education Trust
Ebola Response Anthropology Platform
Multiple organizations and institutions
Ebola Resources and Materials
Health Compass, from the Health Communications Capacity Collaborative
The Ebola Communication Network
Health Communication Capacity Collaborative, The Johns Hopkins University
Media and Communication during Ebola
The Communication Initiative