Hesperian Health Guides

Flip Charts—An Example

In this chapter:

Dental workers in Mozambique created this flip chart presentation for teaching in schools.

drawing of a smiling boy and a close-up of his teeth and gums.
  1. Here is a healthy, happy schoolboy. In the circle you see the inside of his mouth. His teeth are white and clean. Look at his gums. What color are they? Are they tight or loose? Between the teeth, are the gums pointed or flat?
  2. drawing of a boy in pain and a close-up of his teeth and gums.
  3. This is an unhappy, sick boy. What color are his teeth? Not only are they yellow, there are black spots. These are cavities.

    What color are his gums? Are they pointed? Loose, red, swollen gums are signs of gum disease.

    Both cavities and gum disease can be treated.
  4. drawing of 2 problems with the teeth and gums.
  5. What happens if tooth and gum problems are not treated?
    a) The black hole grows bigger on the tooth and a sore forms on the gums near the root. The tooth hurts whenever you touch it.
    b) The red, loose gums pull away from the tooth. Infection gets to the bone and eats it. The tooth loses the bone and the gum around it.
    The first problem is a tooth abscess. The second is advanced gum disease. If either of these things happens, the tooth must be taken out.
    drawing of an unhealthy mouth and foods including candy, jam, cola, and cake.

  6. Why does the boy have cavities and gum disease? There are 2 reasons.
    a) He eats too many sweet foods. What foods do you see here? What other foods hurt the teeth?
    b) He does not clean his teeth regularly. The germs in his mouth eat sugar from his food and make acid. Acid causes both cavities and gum disease
  7. drawing of a healthy mouth and foods including milk, fruit, and nuts.
  8. What foods can the boy eat to keep his teeth and gums healthy? What do you see in this picture? Natural foods, with no sugar added, are the best. The foods you grow yourself and local foods from the market are better than sweet foods from the store.
  9. drawing of different toothbrushes and a boy cleaning his teeth.
  10. How can we clean our teeth?
    Carefully is the important word to remember. Clean your teeth at least once a day, carefully brushing every part of every tooth — outside, inside, and top. Be very careful to push your brush between your teeth. That is where the germs and food collect to make acid. If you do not have a toothbrush, you can make one from a stick. Toothpaste is not necessary. Clean water is enough.

Chapter 12 in Helping Heath Workers Learn is full of ideas on how to make and use pictures effectively. Once you have a good original, you do not need to be an artist to make a good copy. Here is an easy method that can involve every student.

Place thin see-through paper over the original drawing. Carefully trace a copy.

DENT Ch3 Page 31-3.png

Now place the copy on a new sheet of heavy paper. Pressing firmly with a pencil, retrace all of the lines on the thin copy paper.

Remove the tracing paper. Pressure from the pencil has made fine lines on the poster paper. Redraw them with a pencil so they stand out clearly.

Your copy is now ready for coloring. And you can use your copy paper again to make another copy.

Use puppet shows to act out the messages of eating nutritious food and keeping teeth clean.

a woman speaking as she holds 2 puppets on her hands.
Mr. Lyam, you should feel shame for selling that kind
of food!

Students can make their own puppets to look like people or animals.

Using puppets, it is often easier to say things that people themselves cannot. For example, they can talk openly about the bad food sold at the village store.

Children can make puppets easily from paper bags. They are good for showing teeth because you can make a wide-open mouth.

a face painted on the bottom of a paper bag.
Open and close your hand to make it eat or speak.
DENT Ch3 Page 32-3.png
To make a bigger puppet, attach a cardboard face to th bag.
DENT Ch3 Page 32-4.png

A puppet made from a sock looks alive.

  1. Fit the sock over your hand.
  2. Make the mouth by pushing in the cloth between your thumb and fingers.
  3. Add eyes, nose and hair to the sock or to a box that fits over it.

Loosely fill a cloth bag with old cotton or paper. Put the end of a stick inside, and tie the bag to it with tape or string. Make a sad or happy face to fit the story. Dress the puppet with an old piece of cloth.

a puppet with a cloth head and a body made from sticks.
the finished puppet holding a toothbrush.
This page was updated:17 May 2024